Language Learning Role Models

In our EAL space we wanted to celebrate the success of our language learners.

We chose language learning ‘role models’ from Key Stage 4. These were students who have had success/overcome challenges in their English learning journey since joining the school. We interviewed them, asking questions like:

⁃ what techniques do you use for reviewing vocab?

⁃ How did you overcome the challenge of studying [subject] in English when you first joined the school? What advice would you give new joiners?

⁃ What are your top three tips for learners to improve their listening knowledge English?

⁃ Which novel are you reading right now in English? Would you recommend it?

⁃ Any good recommendations for websites to help practise XYZ skill?

They recorded their answers in videos. We QRed them, drew out some puff quotes from the content, and made a ‘Language Learning Role Models’ display in the corridor. Passersby can recommend other language learning role models, and we’ll update the board as and when.

This might be an idea for those looking to draw attention to the talents of EAL learners.

Categories: General, reflections

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  1. Celebrating success stories - EAL Diaries

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